Combining Compassion and Convenience
Hotel booking software for social service agencies.
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Search. Select. Book.
With ReloShare, it's as easy as that.
agencies using Safe stays
Including victim services, community healthcare, and many more.
safe nights provided
Prioritizing safety for vulnerable populations by offering 24/7 check-in and check-out support.
Participating hotels
Partnering with top hotels to provide clients with the highest quality accommodations.
Book hotel rooms under an alias
No credit card or ID required
24/7 help team
Free to use
Reserve hotel room blocks
No sourcing or negotiation fees
Scalable solutions
Free to use
Find available shelter beds instantly
Sort by family size, composition, and services
Mobile compatibility

Shelter management software
Track daily bed counts
Log room assignments, easily view bed lists, and share shelter vacancies
Partnered with hotel brands you trust
With over 15,000 hotels across the nation, we offer an extensive selection for your accommodation needs.